Civil society development and inter-sector cooperation: the objectives of this program are the creation of an enabling environment and the harmonization of regional development of civil society in Croatia,
development of active citizenship and social capital in local communities and promoton and strengthen inter-sectoral cooperation.
The aim is to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations and young people in civil society organizations.
Lokalni program za mlade Grada Donja Stubica
05/12/2016 // RAZVOJ CIVILNOG DRUŠTVA I MEĐUSEKTORSKA SURADNJAProjekt provodi Grad Donja Stubica u partnerstvu sa Multimedijalnim centrom STUB-KLUB. Projekt financiraju Ministarstvo za demografiju, obitelj, mlade i socijalnu politiku (42.612,00 kuna) i Grad Donja Stubica (18.262,00 kuna) Projekt je počeo 01.1